Sunday, December 20, 2009

2 updates in 1 week?!?!?!

I know, it sounds crazy, but I’m doing it.  It also makes it easy that I have Windows Writer on my laptop, and with the click of a button, I can update my blog.  I think it’s a good idea for an aspiring writer to update his blog as much as possible (let’s gun for 2 times a week), since practice makes perfect.  Also, a big shout out to Alicia for giving me the news update idea.  I think I’ll be incorporating it into the blog sooner rather than later.  Anyway, let’s move on.

First, a rant on buying books for school.  What a scam.  Seriously.  If you’ve been to college, you know the routine, you pay a shitload of money for classes, and once you get said classes, they tell you that you have to buy another shitload of books for said class.  Oh, and when you try to “sell” them back at the end of the semester/quarter/whatever the hell your school is on, you get maybe 10% of what you initially spent.  While I don’t necessarily have a problem with this practice (pawn shops work in a very similar matter), I have a huge problem with an establishment making a certain economic system the bad guy (in this case capitalism), when in fact said university/school fully engages in all of the benefits and privileges offered by the aforementioned economic system.  To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever brought that up.  Glad I could be the first (of sorts).  Anyway, let’s wrap up the week and what has happened.

Christmas is upon us (or Festivus if you’re a devotee of “Seinfeld”).  I usually spend the holidays (or day, since it’s one day, but you get my drift) with my family in Jacksonville, FL, but I won’t be able to make it down this year.  Not the end of the world by any means.  I love seeing my cousins at Christmas, and it’s really the coolest thing for Kevin (my brother) and I to head down there.  It’s like we’re total rock stars heading in.  I’m gunning for a January visit since tickets are a bit cheaper, I’ll have more time (possibly….if I sign up for a level 5 class at UCB, we’ll have to play it by ear).  Anyway, I’ll be lobbing a call the St. John’s River area on Christmas to say hello to the fam.  If you’re reading this blog and you’re estranged/pissed off/angry/MIA with your family, lob them a call.  And there goes my public service announcement for the day.

“Avatar” is looking pretty sick.  Most of the previews I’ve seen concerning this film have had me kind of “meh.”  Visually, it looks bad ass.  However, everything I’ve heard about the movie since it’s debut has been über positive.  If “Thundercats” the live action film ever gets made, they need to bring James Cameron and the production crew of “Avatar” on board.  Wow, I just got an Avatar-style image of “Thundercats,” with Wesley Snipes as Panthro and Tim Roth as Tygra.  OK, make THIS movie NOW!!!

On the nerd side of things, the “Iron Man 2” trailer hit the internet this week, and I can’t WAIT for this bad boy.  It’s so refreshing to see a director, writer, and cast so solidly on board with this project.  Memo to Hollywood when making a comic book movie:  these things are cash cows.  They won’t NOT make money.  There are a plethora of nerds with disposable incomes (because they’re not spending money on girls) to spend on the movie.  Give the nerds the movie they want, get a cast and crew that want to do the movie and care about it, stick to the source material (as close as possible), and you’re gold.  God, I hope “Avengers” doesn’t suck.

On a sad note, actress Brittany Murphy passed away today at the age of 32.  While 32 would’ve been considered ancient in the Bronze Age, it’s incredibly young by today’s measures (a year older than yours truly).  Cause of death is listed as cardiac arrest (heart attack for my readers who aren’t that well read).  OK, a couple of things; I’m not making any jokes.  When Rick James died, I gladly made jokes because the cause of death was listed as “natural causes,” and anyone who holds another person hostage at hot crack pipe point (true story) doesn’t die of natural causes.  I’m a given skeptic, so the first inkling is to think drugs since women don’t typically have heart attacks, and it’s even more rare for a woman in her early 30’s to suffer a heart attack.  I hope foul play wasn’t or substance abuse wasn’t involved, but that’s where the autopsy comes in.  My deepest sympathies and condolences to her family and friends for this untimely tragedy.  

That’s all I have for this week.  Let’s hope I can stick to Alicia’s idea and keep updating on a regular basis and keep her idea (I can’t take credit for it) going on a regular basis.  OUT!

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