Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One Year Later

...or thereabouts....who's counting really. So, as of this Sunday, I'll be celebrating my 1 year anniversary of life as a New Yorker. Wow, that looks odd in print, but I got to admit, I like it. Oh, and a very Happy Mardi Gras to all of you. God Bless America and the fact that we really do celebrate diversity in this country. We're all about "Fat Tuesday," Mexican Independence, and Patrick riding the Emerald Isle of snakes some time back in the fifth century, AD. Either all of the aforementioned, or this country really likes to find excuses to get hammered. Anyway, back to the blog, now with EXTRA bullet points.

So, in the year that I've been here, let's look a the highlight reel of accomplishment:

A) I found an affordable place to live in Manhattan in a safe neighborhood, with plenty of access to public transportation, and tons of stores/restaurants/anything anyone could need. Oh, and I found said place approximately 24 hours after my plane touched down at LaGuardia, and me knowing all of 2 people in New York. Boo yeah.

B) I found a job about 2 weeks later, a job which I then transferred to another place in the company, which seemed great, but helped me learn how fake some people can be, and....I'm sorry, I just don't like this massive run-on sentence. In a nutshell, I still have gainful employment, and I take care of myself just fine amidst these less than stellar economic times.

C) I have my level 4 graduation show this week at the Upright Citizens Brigade. Once you graduate from level 4 (no guarantee you will), you are then welcome to audition for the various house Harold teams that perform regularly (a short term goal of mine that is in reach).

D) I begin work on my sketch writing class in April. The ultimate goal is becoming more visible with each passing day.

E) I had an awesome meeting with an A-list agent, that I'm happy to say I work with on a freelance basis, and I whom I keep in regular contact with.

F) I made a ton of new friends, and I still keep in very close contact with all of my friends from Atlanta, many of whom have made the pilgrimedge up to the Big Apple to see me.

G) I've done 4 shows at the UCB theatre, and I had a small role in one film.

H) I auditioned for Wayne Brady's new improv show in Las Vegas, received stellar praise from Wayne himself, and got to do 2 scenes with him. He's quite possibly one fo the nicest, most professional people any one could meet. Oh yeah, and he did recognize the skills.

All in all, not bad. Oh, and I finally bought myself a blackberry, a digital camera, and I cut 4 inches of hair off (the latter happening yesterday). I still don't update this thing nearly as often as I should. Anyway, here's to being further along next year!!!