Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Long Awaited Update

Time to break from tradition a bit (oh, by actually UPDATING my blog? Yeah, I know...but I have a valid reason). OK, so if you check Facebook, follow this thing, or talk to me, I mentioned that I had something pretty exciting in the works, and following up on my brother's advice (don't be the guy who talks about "I'm going to....," be the guy that says "I just did....,"). His sentiments were followed up by my good friend and fellow actor Tom Thon. So what did I just do? Let's set the stage and begin a tangent like only yours truly can bring you.

My very good friend Alicia Murton has a good friend who is an agent with one of the bigger agencies in New York (no, I'm not going to name drop the aforementioned agents). You know what, I can't hold it in, I had a metting with commercial division of Innovative Artists here in New York, and the meeting could not have gone any better!!! I'm still in a bit of shock, but I have a New York agent. It's super late, and I've been up since 7am, but I'm with them for commercials free lance (my actor buddy Allison explained what it means, and it's good). I'll go into further detail later this week, but THANK YOU ALL for your kind words, your prayers, and everything else. I'm truly blessed!!!