Thursday, October 16, 2008

National Lampoon's Halloween Vacation

Because it's almost Halloween and I make up the titles. So here's the life of Brian in a nutshell. I leave for my yearly cruise this Sunday. I didn't make Cruise '06 a couple of years back (because I was planning to move to LA and...nevermind, it's a long story). Me and a few of my boys go on a cruise every year and it's awesome. Let me first clarify that it's my friends and there are females going as well, as I can see how some of your sophomoric minds could construe the previous statement as a tad homo-erotic (i.e. a bunch of guys going on a cruise together). Anyway, moving will be posted when I get back. Let's hit some random thoughts:

1. I so want the Rays to put away the Red Sox, but it's pretty damn hard when they don't don't chew their food properly. Seriously guys, the 2007 Mets think you choked Game 5 tonight. Take care of business in Game 6. It's times like this I wish I had a compulsive gambling disorder.

2. Sticking with sports, for all the Atlanta Braves fans out there, how many of us are pointing and laughing at the Dodgers for signing Andruw Jones? Show of hands please. Granted, the did make the NLCS, territory the ATL hasn't seen since 2001, but I'm specifically talking about Jones. $18 million per year, he didn't even hit his weight (hell, he didn't hit Kirstie Alley's weight), didn't hit double digit home runs and finished the season on the DL. Guess $18 mil doesn't get you what it used to. By the way, Andruw you can take off the ski mask and put down the gun now, the robbery is over.

3. UGA vs. Vandy this weekend. I really like that Vandy is ranked, and I'm a tad bummed that they lost last week. I really would've loved for them to be undefeated when we play them. If you're a UGA fan, you'll note that we've dominated Vandy pretty well, but the past few years (the last 2 specifically), we haven't played our best against them (2006 we lost at home, 2007 we needed a last minute field goal to beat them in Nashville). I like our chances this weekend, but Georgia has this bad habit of dominating for a half, shutting it down, then letting their opponent back into the game just enough to not "win convincingly," something that the OU's and the USC's do like clockwork. I also don't understand how when we were ranked #3 and lost to then #8 Bama by 9 we drop out of the top 10, yet then #1 OU loses by 10 to #5 Texas and they're still a top 5 team. Makes a ton of sense.

4. I was shopping at a Marshall's in the Bronx today (if you're not sure what a Marshall's is or you live somewhere near Tatooine, Marshall's is a discount clothing chain that sell all the shit no one else really wants), and I was looking for a bathing suit (which you won't find in NY in October because it's out of season), and I saw something a tad eskew. So I see all this New York sporting good stuff, plenty of Mets/Yankees/Giants/Jets apparel, and all of a sudden, I see a college themed golf set. College football is not as big as it is down south (understatement of the year by leaps and bounds), but it was a Texas Tech golf set. Couple things we have at work here, which I'll outline below:

a) New York, specifically the Bronx....not really known for it's golf, let alone Marshall's being the preferred supplier for all golf related items
b) When it comes to anything....ANYTHING sports merchandise related in this town, it's Yankees, Giants, Mets, Jets, etc. I can go on for quite some time. In essence, New York really likes to jam it's sports teams down your throughts (you'll see it a ton in sporting good stores). Why on earth they specifically chose a random team from the Big XII (no offense to the Red Raiders or Red Raider alumni), but...really?? It reminded me of my friend Mesina who is a Tech alum, so I'm not sure if it was on purpose or if there's a huge Texas Tech following up off 225th St.

5. Fellas, if you buy roll on deoderant, I would avoid purchasing Axe brand (Phoenix scent). Your body odor will definitely resurrect like the creature of ancient mythology (or Fawkes from the Harry Potter series).

6. I'm narrowing down my Halloween costume list. I'll probably be John Lennon one day, Vladimir Lenin another (just to be a wise ass), combine the 2 and be Leon Trotsky on another day (just google his name, I'm not going to explain, and before you ask, pre-hatchett to head...still a bit too soon in my opinion), but I really want to be Dennis Eckersley circa 1992. Or the Dread Pirate Roberts. Or Captain Morgan (from the rum bottles). Or Jack Sparrow. I might even do Wendy (of fast food, Baconator and Frosty fame) with a hyped up pituitary gland, because I have a great time wearing pig tails on the side of my head.

Bed time. See you when I get back. Go Dawgs.

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