Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I'm going to seriously have to switch it up to song titles here sooner or later. I'm resorting to Britney Spears' movie titles, and I'm not really at a crossroads, but we'll pick up where the blog "License to Drive" left off. Should've called it "License to Drive 2," but what's done is done. OK, let's dive into it. Tavern on the Green offered me a job, and I accepted. I didn't put 2 weeks at my other place, and I don't think they want me working at both places, all though Tavern is cool with it, but they're not to down with it at the Foo. Oh, and Tavern asked me to cut my hair, which I'm not down with (not all of it, a trim, which my hair isn't down my back or anything, but I'm totally rocking a Jesus-style mane, and I like it). I'll clean it up a bit for them, since they told me I was "perfect" in my interview today. It's also seasonal and I'd be low man on the totem pole (seasonal meaning I'd work from May to October and I'd probably work the least desireable shifts, but I'd still probably be doing better than I was at Foo's...not that I was doing bad, but....Tavern on the Freaking Green....C'mon). I stopped by the Foo today to tell them about it, because I wanted to see if I can balance both along with the acting. And after I wrote that sentence, I have my answer. Actually, I need to thank my friend Bella in Vegas, because I gave her a great simile that I'll use right now (feel free to use it in your life).

When you set a goal (as I've been very forthright with...it's why I moved to NY), you need to make sure everything you do brings you closer to said goal. When moving to one of the big 2 (NY or LA) to pursue "the dream," it's important to A) like where you live and B) like where you work. Foo's is a'ight, I'm not a fan of the GM, and that's being incredibly PC. So I have my pad which I love, and an OK job where I'm making some money. I've now been offered a job where I'll be in the same flexible industry (service industry) in which I'll be making more money. My people pleaser nature wants to balance both jobs along with my acting/improv. I know I'm on a tangent, but here comes our simile (it's not a metaphor because I'll be using "like" or "as").

It's like being at a 24 hour buffett. There's all kinds of good food in front of you. You pick up a few slices of pizza, move down the line, get some macaroni and cheese, oh look, they have those canned peaches in that thick, syrupy peach juice you love so much. Dude, and fruit is totally healthy, get some of those bad boys!! Oh, sweet, Prime Rib, I have room for that too. You get back to your table and start eating, but you can't finish. So you end up throwing everything away and feeling fat and bloated and worse than before. A person's goals are the aforementioned buffet (OK, there's the metaphor, since I said the goals "were" the buffet. Thus concludes today's grammar lesson). It's totally OK to step back from the buffet and look at EVERYTHING. Take that Prime Rib first, and maybe get a few green beans. If you're still hungry, go back for more. If you pile too much on at first, you'll have....."too much on your plate." Make sense? I'll use PowerPoint next time.

I also started my New York Improv journey today, and I really picked the right place to study. Ari is a great instructor, and he took some familiar ideas and really highlighted them niceley. I'm really excited to be in his class. I even saw a few folks from class at the show tonight (we're required to see 2 shows at the theatre before we move on to 201). I'll fill you all in on how Thursday goes. I need to get some rest because I've got to be up in the AM to workout. I miss and love you all!!


tatom said...

sounds like you are just truckin along!! i can't wait to hear about the new jobs and the UCB!!! congrats on how far you've come and i'm so excited to keep learning about how far you'll go!

Mel said...

Actually Crossroads is also a film from the 80's with Ralph Macchio & Jamie Gertz about playing the blues. I saw it. Much better than that retarded thing with Britney.