Monday, April 21, 2008

License to Drive

Greetings once again all. First thing, I FINALLY got my license updated at the New York DMV. What a freaking pain. Anyway, it's done, and when I went to pay for it, the lady didn't care too much for my picture. I'll show y'all whenever I see you (if you visit or I visit), but essentially, I'm not looking at the camera, more or less just looking off in the distance, and my hair is...well everywhere. I look like Jesus taking a picture for Olan Mills. Tomorrow is a big day (not only is it my dad's birthday, so if you read this, send my dad a birthday wish), but it's also my first day with the Upright Citizens Brigade. I'm pumped. It'll be nice to get the improv rust off and get rockin' and rollin' again. I also want to send a big THANK YOU to Dave and Wendy down in Atlanta. I was heading to work on Saturday morning, and I saw there was a nice care package waiting in front of my door. I was floored. I really can't thank you enough (all of you really) for your support, your prayers, and being the just wonderful people to know. I'm truly blessed.

Speaking of blessed, I received a phone call today from Tavern on the Green. For those new to the blog, I applied there when I first moved to New York, and they had me there for an hour and a half (obviously a good sign), but I never heard from them. If you didn't know, Tavern is the most profitable restaurant on the planet (somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 million in profit last year), and I've got an interview there tomorrow. Kind of cool, even though I have a job right now, and it's super flexible (perfect for an actor...that's why we work at such BS jobs in ther first place), however more money is always good and that would definitely be the case at Tavern. Plus, the GM where I work is....well, I'm not really sure how to put this, but he's a total douche. He offers no help, and he micromanages (which doesn't sit well with me, but it's money, it's flexible, so we'll see). Otherwise, I'm doing great and loving the city. Sorry I haven't been able to come up with any cool allegorys or analogies yet, but I'm sure one will strike me this week. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!!

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