The image above is the front door of my building. I like it quite a bit, it's really clean and just great. I'm liking it here. Next up is my room. Withouth further ado, here it is:
It's in the photo below. Notice the bed not made. I'm not ashamed of that seeing as I'm not out to impress anyone, and I'll just sleep in it again. I kid of course...just wanted to show you where I've been staying.

The above image is Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. It's kind of a landmark. As I said in one of my earlier posts, I live in Washington Heights. I'll get some more pictures posted soon. If my parents or my brother is reading this post, the best way to describe the area around where I live is compareable to Sommerville, NJ. It reminds me of that area quite a bit (a neighboring town when we were living in Bridgewater, NJ). If you're one of my California friends, I'd compare it to West LA (think about the UCLA campus, and that's kind of what my neighborhood looks like...well, for a 3 block radius). Atlanta folks, think a more urbanized area of Dunwoody. Where I live is a real up and coming area, so I'm glad I got such a good deal.

The above photo is the subway station I go to everyday. You can sort of see three dots on the sign (2 blue and 1 red). These dots indicate which trains come to this station. The 2 blue dots are the A and the C (the A runs express during the week, and the C runs Local on the A line, which means it hits every stop). The 1 runs along a parallel track and makes a few different stops. I'm not a fan of the 1 line, as it takes forever to get anywhere, and you have to take an elevator to get to the tracks. It's kind of a pain. The next picture is an approaching C train. I don't ride that one too much, but I thought it'd be cool to have a shot of that.
That's a picture of me riding the aforementioned 1 train that I didn't like. I wanted to check out the Statue of Liberty, and from my neck of the woods, I need to take the 1 to the South Ferry Station. I won't bore you with the short cut I took (yes, it involved an express train and a transfer). I sent this picture to my friend Kelly Coker because she got a new phone and wanted a picture of me. She didn't have my picture of me from Times Square, and my hair is pretty rocking in the one. An iPod is a must in Manhattan by the way. You're probably wondering what that picture is next to me. That's a Scientology auditing going on. Let me further explain. That's a picture of a "Free" Scientology auditing taking place in a subway station. I know when I'm looking for purpose and meaning in life, the first place I look is a local subway staion.
"Oh man, I'm running late for that appointment, what am I going to do?"
"Excuse me sir, are you under stress?"
"Why yes, yes I am! How did you know?! That's amazing, it's like you've known me my whole life!"
You have no idea how bad I wanted to go over there and get audited. I'm not into making fun of people for their beliefs, but in this case it's OK because...well, come on. I wanted to look at the guy and give him the horns and say "Hail Xenu!" Moral of the story, you'll see just about anything in a subway station. That and homeless people expect you to give you money; they don't really ask, they either hold out their hand or rudely shake thier change cup at you. I've already covered giving them money, so let's move on.

That's Clinton Castle. When you take a ferry to Ellis Island, you have to purchase your tickets here. It was also built as a fort in during the War of 1812. Staying very touristy, that's Times Square next. It's not where New Yorkers go to party. Well, it is if by New Yorker, you mean tourist, then yes, that's where all the New Yorkers go.
The above image is Battery Park. We don't have a lot of greenery in Manhattan, but the parks we do have are pretty cool. The next photo is Trump International Tower. It's by 59th as well. Thought it'd be cool to include that.
That funky looking thing there? Oh, that's the statue of Christopher Columbus, or "Christobel Colon" if you are a fan of "1492." It's a landmark known as Columbus Circle (it's a 59th St.), and it marks the southwest corner of the park. There's a traffic circle right there, and it looks like something in Paris (as far as traffic goes). Now next to Columbus Circle, that's a shot of Central Park (from across 59th). It was getting kind of dark (as it does rather quickly here), so I got the best shot I could. It's a camera phone, not the best quality, but you can kind of get the idea of where I am.
All over the place here. This is a really cool building I saw downtown. It's right down by the South Ferry station (where you'd get off to go see the Statue of Liberty).
That's someone dressed as the Statue of Liberty. I'm starting to see a theme here. That was in Times Square. You'll see just about anything in Times Square (even saw the Naked Cowboy the
other day).
I shouldn't have to explain the above, but the Late Show is around 55th St. I had some spaghetti at Angelo's next store tonight. Not bad. The photo to the right of Late Show is just down the street where I'll be earning a buck while I'm working my way into the New York acting scene. It's a Pan-Asian restaurant called Ruby Foo's, and it's pretty good. It's right at50th and Broadway, so they stay pretty busy.
I'll keep adding more photos. And I'll try to update a bit more regularly. Later!
Hey man!!! Great pics! I can't wait to get my butt up there! It should be within the next few months(if I still have your blessing). The TROUPE is steadily rockin! we still keep a seat open in the front for ya! - it's kinda creepy!
Brian, you now officially know more about NY than I do. That's just what I would have expected. I never bothered to learn the subways or look around....I know, typical damn New Yorker. Hey whadda u want? I was from the Island.
I just miss your behind. I love your blogs especially about the Scientologists. hahahahahaha. Why not make fun of something that is so easy to make fun of? I love it
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