Monday, March 3, 2008


The party is over. If you're from Boston or any where in New England, it's "ovah." I leave today at 2:20. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a nicer going away party. Since it's 5:00 AM, I'll try to keep it quick and give everyone a personal thanks.

Matt and Stack: You guys have to be first, and all though I'd love to give you individual thanks, I'd start crying, and I don't want to do that. You two are more than my two closetest friends. You're the cell wall to my plant cell. That's right, if I were a plant cell, I'd have a cell wall named "Matt/Stack."

Melissa: I never had a big sister (why'd you have to be such a hottie?), but I couldn't be happier with one in you. You make me and everyone else around you happy. Keep that up.

Vinnie: Remember our chat Submariner. You did the right thing, and I'm very proud of you.

BJ: Finished. I now have a rocking dramatic role and it's all thanks to you!!!

Coker: Words simply can't describe, and I'll get to emotional if I type. Make sure Jon (aka "Jun") knows he's the luckiest guy in the world.

Scary/Jerry Barry: Wow. I love watching you perform. Not only have you become a tremendous improvisor, you have a keen eye for what's good and bad in improv, and that makes you even more awesome. It makes you super awesome.

Isabella: Another party, another surprise. I couldn't ask for a better one. Great seeing you again.

Ashley: We haven't hung out in a while, but I still consider you a very close friend. It meant so much to me to not only see you at my final show, but also at my farewell soiree tonight. You have a tremendous amount of talent, and you're a beautiful soul. As much as I ask everyone "who's my favorite," I only really mean it when I'm asking one person, and I hope I don't have to spell it out, because it would be kind of awkward.

Janet: Stay thirsty. I'm glad I have you for a second mom, because God knows I need it, even if you don't like my long hair.

Paigemaster: Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow about the move. I need to hear it.

Josh: My future lawyer, I hope to always greet you with a hug.

Dave and Wendy: I can't tell you two how blessed I am for knowing you guys and having y'all in my life. God really smiled down on me and hooked me up with friends like you (and come to think about it, He did so with each and everyone of you. I am truly, truly blessed and a better person for knowing ALL of you...however, this is Dave and Wendy time, so back to them). Dave, I know the troupe is going to soar to new heights with everything you bring, and Wendy...well, you're just simply "Aweshum man!"

Kevin: Kelly, make sure you tickle him while I'm gone. I can't do it because it's weird, but you can get away with it.

Chapman: Thank you for being a great teacher, an amazing mentor, and a wonderful friend...and all the rides every where (by the way, if you ever gave me a ride, THANK YOU!!!). I think the note here would be...thank you for imparting your vast improv intellect on me. I hope to make you proud.

Peanut: My one and only make me happy when skies are gray. GO DAWGS!!!!

Playing in Traffic: Matt, Stack, Coker, Paige, Cedric, Preston, Reigna, Scary Barry, Josh, Dave, Lara, Teates, I leaving any one out? You guys continue to rock the house and "Do good work for me!" You are all loved and will be sorely missed!!

OK, I dozed off during this blog, and today is the big day.

So Long, ATL...

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